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Now is the time to invest in Solar PV

Invest in Solar PV | Kellihers - Electrical Wholesalers Ireland | News

Whether it’s at home or at work, there’s never been a better time to invest in Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV) technology in Ireland. We take a look at just a few of the reason’s why now is a great time to consider a Solar PV system for your home and your business.

Did you know that enough sunlight reaches the earth in a single hour to power the planet for a whole year?

Sunlight is the original source of all the world’s energy. From the food we eat to power our bodies, to the energy trapped aeons ago in fossil fuels, to emerging renewable energy sources like wind, tidal and waves, all energy arrives on earth as sunlight.

Harvesting the sun’s energy directly to fuel our energy needs in a sustainable way makes sense on all sorts of levels. However, the technology to allow us to harness the sun’s energy efficiently, effectively and safely has only become available to regular households and businesses comparatively recently.

Over the last few years technological advances, particularly in the field of solar electricity generation using Solar PV panels, mean that these systems have become more efficient, more affordable and more accessible to homes and businesses across Ireland.

Is solar a viable option in Ireland?

Solar PV Array at Kellihers Tramore Road branch in CorkWhile you might think Ireland is a little short on sunshine for solar energy to be a viable option, the answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.

While Solar PV systems function at their optimum capacity in direct sunlight, they still generate electricity during daylight hours even on dull, overcast days. According to figures from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) a domestic solar installation will generate more than 40% of the annual electricity usage demand for a typical Irish household.

At Kellihers we’ve started to roll out Solar PV systems in our nationwide network of branches — with our Cork and Dundalk branches up and running, and more branches in the pipeline.

These installations act as reference sites to demonstrate just how viable Solar PV is Ireland, but are also a sound commercial investment, reducing costs and increasing resilience in the branches’ energy supply needs.

Why Choose Solar PV?

Solar PV at Home

Solar PV at Home

Installing a Solar PV system at home makes sense for a number of reasons. Some of the key ones for householders include:

  • Instantly reduce your monthly electricity costs
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of your household significantly
  • Improve your home’s BER rating and Saleability/Value
  • Buffer your household against spiralling conventional energy costs
  • Once installed Solar PV systems are silent and pretty much maintenance-free

Solar PV for your BusinessSolar PV for your Business

From a business perspective, the benefits of installing a Solar PV system include:

  • Augment your brand’s green credentials by lowering your carbon footprint and demonstrating your commitment to sustainability
  • Lower your annual energy costs considerably
  • Increase resilience and insulate your business from the impact of constantly rising energy prices
  • Avail of renewable energy subsidies and incentives

Grants and Tax Incentives for Solar Installations

All of your Solar PV options under one roof at Kellihers/CT Electric

Thanks to our dedicated renewables division, Rexel Energy Solutions Ireland, our unique relationships with leading suppliers and our nationwide branch network, your local Kellihers/CT Electric branch can supply everything you need for any size Solar PV project. You’ll find a wide range of Solar PV modules, mounting systems, inverters, accessories and kits in stock/available to order at your local branch, coupled with unparalleled renewable energy expertise.  At Kellihers/CT Electric you have convenient access to everything you need for all of your residential and commercial Solar PV projects.

Useful Resources

Read more about Solar panels galway cork.

Please contact us for more details! 
