At Kellihers & CT Electric, we like to stay ahead of the curve and offer our customers ways of increasing their business offering to their customer. We believe it is an ever evolving world and with technologies changing rapidly we have employed specialists in areas that we firmly believe will thrive over the coming years.

Apart from ‘organic’ growth taking place in the industry at present, as a result of favourable economic conditions resulting in increased construction, there are two market drivers with the potential to bring ‘real’ growth to the electrical industry.

  • There is a drive towards changing high-energy consumption lighting over to low-energy consumption LED luminaires in most commercial buildings
  • The shift towards electric vehicles (EV) and the potential to, not only save on expensive fuel costs associated with combustion engines, but also self-generate enough power onsite in domestic and commercial applications to satisfy total local energy demand (through PV solar panel installations).

The Government’s climate-change-mitigation plan aims to increase the number of EVs on Irish roads to 500,000 by 2030. The SEAI and department believe sales will jump over the next few years, as more car manufacturers introduce mass-market models.


We have set this up to help build on the relationships we have with our customers. We have developed a half-day training and development program, equipping our customers with all they need to market and sell the new innovative solutions. With events run in their local area, customers will receive marketing material, product information and business training. Essentially, customers will receive an innovative toolkit to help them take advantage of the opportunities that exist throughout the marketplace!

The program will train on the technical…
– How to sell lighting audits and upgrades (covering the lighting audit, new product proposals, financing arrangements, calculating payback  & outlining government grants)
– How to sell energy solutions (covering EV chargers, PV solar panel installations, financing arrangements, calculating payback, etc.)

As well as the business side….
– Why every business must now innovate (covering what innovation is, case studies of successful innovators and companies who failed as a result of not innovating, the product life cycle lesson, and how electrical contractors can innovate)
– How to sell new solutions (covering how to target the right type of customer, and how to plan and manage innovative change in your business).


After 3 successful Bright Sparks events in Dublin, Cork and Mayo – we have decided to take a break for the rest of the summer. We had 3 fantastic events in these locations where we received great feedback that will help structure the next wave of Bright Sparks events!

If you want to be part of the next wave of Bright Sparks events, be sure to sign up to our newsletter on the homepage of our website to keep informed!

Thank you to the customers who attended the first wave of these events. We greatly appreciate your time and your feedback. This feedback will help us structure the next round of these informative events.